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This is love.

WHEN I was in college, my Philosophy professor once admitted to us during our first day morning class, that she was looking for the real meaning of love. She's just been into a painful break up. As she was roll calling her class list of students, I remember she even joked that I should consider dropping her class because I and her ex-boyfriend has the same name! She just couldn't move on yet. And even Philosophy could not help her find the true meaning of love. But the Apostle of Love defined it in a plain, simple way. In 1 John 4:10 John said, "This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins." For an apostle who definitely knew personally the one he's talking here, true love lies in the fact that someone has sacrificed for us. Sacrificed for what and for whom? 1. For our sins. Sin is real, theologically and practically. The Bible is bold enough to tell us, "Therefore, just as sin entered the world through one man, and death through sin, and in this way death came to all people, because all sinned." (Romans 5:12). Practically, we're all aware that we do sin. Because of our sins, we're heading to eternal damnation. Someone has to be an atoning sacrifice. By the word atonement it means "covering, reconciliation." Jesus Christ, the Son of God and the God Son became the substitutionary atonement for us. We should have died for our sins in eternal damnation but Jesus bore that sin for us. This is love. 2. For us. He did that for us. Not even for the fallen angels, and this fallen world, but for us humans. He loved us unconditionally, looking beyond our flaws. When the Son of God was hanged on the cross, we were on His mind. He felt the excruciating pain of the shame and suffering of the cross for us. This is love. Unless man realises and understands the reality of sin and its effect, he would not feel the need for a Saviour. And those who continually refuse the offer of salvation only await the dreadful judgment for them. Are you still looking for the real meaning of love? You can't find that from glimmering boxes of gifts during Valentines day, or lusty chocolates! You can't find that from romantic words and promises exchanged by two individuals. Real love is not just an erotic or emotional expression, it must also be volitional. It starts with a sincere will-a will to sacrifice. This is love.

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